Sunday, 20 November 2011

A Mini Wonder!

Stocking fillers! FORGET walnuts, mandarins, flannels, soap and chocolate money (oh...ok...leave in the chocolate money). If you're over 16 and lucky enough to still wake up to a big sock or pillowcase of excitement at the foot of your bed, wouldn't it be great if it contained something as useful as this little beauty. Sorry I couldn't find a bigger picture of it but it is it's bijoux-ness that gives it appeal. It is a key ring that is also a sturdy Philips and Flathead screwdriver all in one. How many times have you gone hunting in the toolbox for a screwdriver to do some silly job and found that 'someone else' who won't own up has used it and left it elsewhere? It is the cause of countless arguments in our house so I was very excited to spot the Toolux 2- in - Mini Screwdriver Keyring £1.29 (online £1.99 in store) in a nice little plastic pot by the counter in Halfords. I have to confess I was far more excited by this than the Maxi-Cosi Proximo XP car seat we were buying for my daughter. Boring! I want a screwdriver on my keyring! 

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